Jose Dallo

18 september, 2013

Se förra veckans post-2015 seminarium

UNDP och Dag Hammarskjöldfonden arrangerade förra veckan seminariet “Turning Visions into Goals – Where is the international process headed?”. Ni som missade det, kan se det här.

Snart möts världens ledare på FN-toppmötet i New York för att diskutera såväl millenniemålen som nästa globala utvecklingsagenda. Men hur långt har processen kommit och vad är nästa steg? Och kommer det gå att enas kring nya hållbarhetsmål?

Se förra veckans seminarium:




Jose Dallo is the Senior Policy Advisor in UNDP’s Post-2015 team. He is also part of the core Post-2015 UN Task Team and the One UN Secretariat on Post-2015. Prior to joining UNDP, Jose Dallo worked extensively in developing countries for the Spanish Cooperation Agency and various development NGOs.

Roberto Bissio, Executive director of the Instituto del Tercer Mundo (Third World Institute) and coordinator of the secretariat of Social Watch, an international network of citizen organizations from around the world. A member of the civil society advisory group to the UNDP administrator and a trained journalist, Roberto Bissio has worked in the field of international development since 1973.

The seminar is moderated by Monica Lorensson, UNDP and Annika Söder, the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.

Seminariet är det sjätte i en serie om post-2015 agendan som arrangeras gemensamt av UNDP:s nordiska kontor och Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.


Vill du läsa mer om processen? Här har vi samlat några av de viktigaste rapporterna hittills:

1. “The global conversation begins”

2. UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda: “Realizing the Future We Want for All” (Report to the Secretary-General, juni 2012)

3. The High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda: “A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development” (The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, 30 maj 2013)

4. Sustainable Development Solutions Network: “An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development” (Report for the UN Secretary-General, 6 juni 2013) 

5. UN Regional Commissions: “A Regional Perspective on the Post‐2015 United Nations Development Agenda” (juni 25 2013)

6. Global Compact Report: “Corporate Sustainability and the United nations Post-2015 Development Agenda – Perspectives from UN Global Compact Participants on Global Priorities and How to Engage Business Towards Sustainable Development Goals” (Juni 17 2013) 

7. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: “A life of dignity for all: accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015” (26 juli 2013) 

 8. “A million voices”   (10 september 2013)



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