UNDP och Dag Hammarskjöldfonden

11 december, 2013

Se film från post-2015 seminarium här

Mål för samhällsstyrning och rättssäkerhet i nästa utvecklingsagenda – kommer världens ledare kunna enas? Se filmen från onsdagens post-2015 seminarium här.

Det finns ett starkt samband mellan rättsväsendet och utvecklingsnivån i ett samhälle. Öppenhet, ansvarsskyldighet och rättssäkerhet är viktiga hörnstenar i mänsklig utveckling och för hållbar tillväxt.

Men att bygga statliga institutioner, som säkerställer såväl god förvaltning som mänskliga rättigheter och rättsäkerhet, är fortfarande en utmaning – särskilt i konflikt-och postkonfliktländer.

Kommer världens ledare kunna enas om universella mål för samhällsstyrning?

Se seminariet “Universal Goals for national action – Governance and Rule of Law as the foundation for human developmenthär:

Seminariet ägde rum onsdagen den 11 december på Myntkabinett i Stockholm.

Seminariet är en del i en serie om post-2015 agendan som arrangeras gemensamt av UNDP:s nordiska kontor och Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.



Pablo de Greiff, is the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence since 2012. Previously, he has been Director of Research at the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) in New York. Mr. de Greiff has published extensively on transitions to democracy, democratic theory, and the relationship between morality, politics, and law, and is in the board of editors of the International Journal of Transitional Justice. He has also provided advice to a wide range of Governments, non-governmental organizations, particularly victims’ organizations, truth commissions and multilateral institutions in the area of transitional justice, gender issues and the linkages between justice, security and development.

Maarten Barends, is the Chief Technical Specialist/Programme Manager of UNDP’s Rule of Law and Access to Justice Programme in the West Bank and Gaza (from 2011 to present). Mr. Barends previously worked for UNDP in the Democratic Republic of Congo (2009-2010) and Sudan (2005-2008), also with a focus on rule of law, human rights and justice. Before joining UNDP, he worked at the Dutch embassies in Islamabad, Pakistan (2002) and Khartoum, Sudan (2004) as well as at Leiden University as part of a major research project on shari’a law (2003). He holds an LL.M. from the University of Amsterdam.

Amitabh Behar, former Co-Chair of Beyond 2015 and Executive Committee member of Global Call to Action Against Poverty. Currently he is ED of National Foundation for India (NFI) and National Convener of the Social Watch Coalition of India. He works on advocacy, networking and coalition building. He also works on campaigning, with a special focus on issues of governance and civil society from the perspective of rights and justice. His areas of interest include civil society, governance and the South Asian Panchayati Raj political system. He works with the Wada Na Todo campaign in New Delhi. Wada Na Todo Abhiyan is a national campaign to hold the government accountable to its promise to end Poverty, Social Exclusion & Discrimination.

Läs mer om de globala konsultationer som just nu pågår kring post-2015 agendan här på millenniemålen.nu och på undp.org.

Ta även del av den globala konversationen på  http://www.worldwewant2015.org

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